Thursday, April 16, 2015

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

WAS deployment manager profile upgrade - After BPM Fixpack Applied

1.  Stop the all servers

2. Run the below updated statement on CMNDB,PDWDB,BPMDB

    update db cfg for CMNDB using LOGSECOND 40

    update db cfg for CMNDB using LOGFILSIZ 2048
    update db cfg for PDWDB using LOGSECOND 40

    update db cfg for PDWDB using LOGFILSIZ 2048
    update db cfg for BPMDB using LOGSECOND 40

    update db cfg for BPMDB using LOGFILSIZ 2048

3.  BPMConfig.bat -upgrade -profile DmgrProfile

4.  BPMConfig.bat -export -profile DmgrProfile -de ProcessCenter -outputDir C:\IBM\BPM\v8.5\ ProcessCenterConfigFile

5.  Need to modified C:\IBM\BPM\v8.5\util\migration\resources\ with below values


6.  DBUpgrade.bat -propertiesFile C:\IBM\BPM\v8.5\util\migration\resources\

7.  Start the all servers.

Monday, April 13, 2015

IBM Websphere MQ Commands

Create queue manager  DEMO( mqver, dspmq, crtmqm, strmqm, endmqm, dltmqm)

Crtmqm demo
Dspmqver – Version details of MQ
Dspmq – displays all status of QMgr
Dspmq  -m demo – displays only status of demo QMgr
Strmqm – starts qmgr demo
Endmqm – ending the qmgr demo
Dltmqm – deletes the qmgr of demo
Runmqsc demo – opens to writ script
Create local queue SAMPLE (define, display, delete)

Define qlocal(sample)
Display qlocal(sample)
Delete qlocal(sample)
Change the priority to 4 and place messages.
Define qlocal(sample) replace defprty(4)  OR  alter qlocal(sample) defprty(4)
Amqsputc sample demo
Check the number of messages in the queue

Display qlocal(sample) curdepth
Try to clear the messages when the queue is open .Explain about the input and output handles (IPPROCS, OPPROCS)
Clear qlocal(sample)
We can’t clear the queue if the application is connected to the queue.  (Error object is open)
IPPROCS (Open input count) – This is the number of applications that are currently connected to the queue to get messages from the queue.
OPPROCS (Open output count) – This is the number of applications that are currently connected to the queue to put messages on the queue.

Put the messages in the queue and find out the order of delivery (FIFO/PRIORITY).Try changing the order of delivery and predict the flow
Display qlocal(sample) msgdlvsq – default is priority
Define qlocal(sample) replace defprty(4) 
Define qlocal(sample) replace msgdlvsq(FIFO) Or Alter qlocal(sample)  msgdlvsq(FIFO)
 The application will fetch the messages based on the property set in queue. It can be either first in first out or based on the priority in which case we set the priority number in queue’s msgdlvsq  property.

Alter the queue not to allow put / get

Alter qlocal(sample) put(disabled)
Alter qlocal(sample) put(enable) get(disabled)
Create and alias queue ‘MYALIAS’ and make the target as SAMPLE

Define qalias(myalias) target(sample)
Alter the alias to priority 8 and place messages from this and observe the result
Alter qalias(myalias) target(sample) defprty(8)
The application will fetch the messages based on the property set in queue. Based on the priority in which case we set the priority number in defprty property.

Create model queue ‘TEMP.MODEL’. Perform the following tasks
Define qmodel(temp.model)
·         Observe dynamic queues getting created

Created qmodel. Then create the dynamic queues using Websphere MQ API exerciser.
1.      In Queue manager tab, Select the queue manager demo
2.      Click MQCONN
3.      In Queues tab, select Model Queue name temp.model
4.      Click MQOPEN
5.      Enter DynamicQName as MYMODEL.*, In Options check the MQOO_OUTPUT
6.      Click OK
7.      Queue created (MYMODEL. Some number will create).
8.      Click MQPUT and type the message.
9.      Click MQCLOSE
10.  Click MQDISC
11.  If the Model queue is Permanent the queue and the message will be there once disconnect it also.

·         Provide a different names for the dynamic queues
DynamicQName  - MyModel.*

·         Make the dynamic queue as permanent
alter qmodel(temp.model) deftype(permdyn)
·         Find out the place where permanent/temporary dynamic queues are used

Permanent queues are maintained across queue manager restarts
If we need to use information after the application closes there we can make the queue as permanent dynamic queues

Alter the queue to become a persistent queue. Place messages and restart the queue managers. Do the messages survive queue manager restart? How?  If you answer is log. Show the path where it is located and also try displaying the contents of log.

Alter the queue to become a persistent queue
alter qlocal(sample) defpsist(yes)
amqsput sample demo
Persistent msg
Do the messages survive queue manager restart? How? 
Yes. Because the persistent messages will be stored in log file.
Once restart the queue manager if the message property is set as persistent then messages will be there. But if we placed the messages before set the message property as persistent, messages will not be available.
If you answer is log. Show the path where it is located and also try displaying the contents of log
C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ\log\ - windows
/var/mqm/log/ - unix
C:\IBM\WebSphere MQ\Qmgrs\\errors
Execute the command to display the location of queue file. What exactly is this file?
C:\IBM\WebSphere MQ\Qmgrs\Sample1\queues
C:\IBM\WebSphere MQ\Qmgrs\Sample1\queues\@MANGLED – if the queue name is lower case
Eg. If we create the queue name in small case it will automatically created the @mingled directory and there it will create the queue details.
 If the queue name is in upper case it will directly create the queue name and it will IBM\WebSphere MQ\Qmgrs\Sample1\queues.
Delete the queue file which you displayed previously. How do your recover from media recovery
Using Linear log we can recover the queue file but we have to mention the log type is linear when we create the Queue manager itself.
Default log type is circular
How do you figure out
  • What log is used the queue manager.

amqmdain reg -c display -s Log -v *

Default log type is Circular Log

Can find from qm.ini queue manager’s configuration file for Unix

  • How many primary and secondary file are allocated
The minimum number of primary log files is 2 and the maximum is 254 on Windows, or 510 on UNIX systems. The default is 3.
The minimum number of secondary log files is 1 and the maximum is 253 on Windows, or 509 on UNIX systems. The default number is 2.
  • What is the size of the log
The size of each primary and secondary log files in units of 4K pages. (Multiple of 4KB log file page size)

  • How do you place the log files in a separate file system
/var/mqm and /var/mqm/log directories must be on a local file system.
C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ\log
/var/mqm/errors directory can be NFS mounted. However, if you choose to NFS-mount /var/mqm/errors, the error logs might be lost if the network fails.

Create queue managers with different primary and secondary file whose size is 10 mb each

crtmqm -lp 10 -ls 10

Alter the queue so that it cannot be shared between applications
Alter qlocal(sample) share(Not Shareable)
Alter the queue as shared and make applications to use the combination of locks available for use.

Alter qlocal(sample) share(Shareable)

What does the default open option for a queue signify?

Distribute Queuing

Create queue managers ‘BRANCH’ && ‘MANAGER’ and create local queues (PL.REPLY--branch) and (PL.REQUEST—manager). Connect to branch and place messages in manager and get COA, COD report from manager
Create queue managers ‘BRANCH’ && ‘MANAGER’ and create local queues (PL.REPLY--branch) and (PL.REQUEST—manager).
COA and COD are usually used by a sending application to get a report on whether the sent message has arrived.

Message Descriptor (MQMD header) contains Report attribute called COA and COD.

Confirmation of arrival (COA) - MQC.MQFB_COA

COA are those acknowledgement messages which are sent back as soon the message is received by the MQ in the remote system.

Confirmation of delivery (COD) - MQC.MQFB_COD

COD are those acknowledgement messages which are send back only after the message is picked up from the remote MQ by the destination application

This type of report is generated by the queue manager that owns the destination queue, when the message is placed on the destination queue. Message data from the original message is not included with the report message.

Assign a Dead letter queue in MANAGER, BRANCH. Try all possible combinations of putting a message in the dead letter queue (try all reasons)

  1. Destination queue is not available
  2. Destination queue is full
  3. Message is too large
  4. Destination queue does not have write permission (put is inhibited)
  5. The sender is not authorized to use (put) message to destination queue
  6. The message contains a duplicate message sequence number

Run the dead letter queue handler and assign the rules. Ensure that the message in dead letter queue goes back to destination if the rule satisfies the condition.
 Runmqdlq ……end the handler with a enter and then press (ctrl-z –enter –ctrl-z –enter).
runmqdlq DLQ    < rules.tb
Rules table
INPUTQ (' ') INPUTQM (' ')

INPUTQ (' ') INPUTQM (' ')


Demonstrate the Usage of MQSERVER, MQCHLLIB, MQCHLTAB
Client server environment, we will have client in one system and server in another.

To connect both the client and server systems we have to set the following path,
In client side set
C:\SET MQSERVER = channelname/trptyename/ip(port)
Frequently we have to change the path for different qmgr, so to resolve this we can create Client Channel Table (CLC). We have to create the table in server side
Table should contain below things
                Qmgr name
                Conname – ip(port)
                Protocol – trptype name
                Channel Name – Server connection’s Channel Name
Table will be present in the following path,
C:\IBM\WebSphere MQ\Qmgrs\\@ipcc\AMQCLCHL.TAB
The entries which is created in the server will be present in the following path,
C:\IBM\WebSphere MQ\Qmgrs\< qmgr name >\clntconn\table entries
To transfer the file from the server to client, place it in
Set the path and table name in environment variables
C:\SET AMQCHLLIB = C:\IBM\TABLES\   (MQ Channel Library)

Queue Manager Clusters

  • Practice the cluster admin commands
Display qcluster(*) – It will display all the queues in cluster under the Qmgr.
Display clusqmgr(A)- It will display all the properties of A
                Runmqsc B
Suspend qmgr cluster(AB)
Display clusqmgr(A) Suspend – It will display Suspend(YES)
Runmqsc B
Resume qmgr cluster(AB)
Refresh cluster(AB)
Stop channel (TO.B)
Delete channel (TO.B)

  • Remove a queue from a cluster
Runmqsc C
Alter qlocal(MYQ) cluster(‘’)

  • Remove a queue manager from cluster
Runmqsc A
Alter qmgr repos(' ')

  • Add a queue manager D to the cluster connecting to full repository A


  • Shift the full repository B  to D

Runmqsc B
Alter qmgr repos (' ')
Runmqsc D
Alter qmgr repos ('BD')

  • Demonstrate the work load balancing in the cluster

  • Design an overlapping clusters (probly 3 ) and
a)      pass messages between them
b)      make the workload balance between them

  • Send messages to
a)Queue manager outside cluster to queue manager inside cluster
Can place messages both the sides
b) Perform the vice versa