Saturday, May 21, 2011

Learn To Put A Full-Stop !!!

You can remain stable when you learn to apply a full-stop.

In any difficult situation, check if you are having thoughts like, "why do things happen with me like this or why is this person behaving in this way" etc. you can never remain stable when you have such questions. Tell yourself that it is much easier to put a full-stop(.) than putting a question mark(?). understand the difference between worrying and finding solutions and worrying. If there is a solution, find it, if there isn't let things take care of themselves and put a full-stop.

Overcome & Control Your Weakness !!

The way to overcome your weakness is to feel that the weakness is not yours.

Check what weakness within you is not enabling you to attain success in the way you want to. Also check how many times during the day you have felt caught up with that weakness. See yourself in your perfect form and let there be the thought in your mind that the weakness is not yours and you are the one who has developed it in yourself. This thought helps you to gain mastery over that weakness and gives you the control to overcome it.